11th March 2017 – As one way of making sure that the students are being prepared to outside world to have a chance to stand out and be recruited through proper gathering and good organisation of application documents, Maphunziro 265 conducted a StandOut Talks session at the Malawi Assemblies of God University, in Lilongwe, Malawi. The session was patronised by 18 young people
and covered the topics like a) The Job market. b) writing a winning CV. c)Nailing an interview. d) writing a cover page and a personal statement.
The session also had a presentation from Mac Nyoni the CEO of Skills Update and Multitalented Consultants who shared his entrepreneurship experience and also what he looks for when he is recruiting.
Thanks to Sheila Elita Chimphamba , Mil Bonyonga , Linda Kamtsendero and everyone who attended the sessions.
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